Matters Service Reports Frequently Asked Questions

(Newest questions are in green)



Changes for Reporting 2002 Matters



Community Legal Education


Indirect Services





Question 1— Will we have to have documentation of the matters that we perform?

Answer 1 The notation that the matter was performed in your case management system, data base, intake log or comparable record is sufficient. 

Question 2 — We should not be trying to generate the highest possible number.  Isn’t that is where we get into trouble?

Answer 2 Agreed.  We should be reporting solid counted numbers or reasonable estimates.  If it is doubtful or if there is a question how many matters to count, we should err on the conservative side.

Question 3 — Can matters be reported regardless of funding source? 

Answer 3 — Yes. 

Question 4 — With the CSRs, we can report cases for eligible clients even if they are funded with non-LSC funds. Can we do the same with Matters?

Answer 4 — If the activities reported are generally targeted towards eligible clients, they are reportable as Matters, irrespective of the source of the funding.  There is no eligibility checking for Matters, although activities reported should be activities oriented toward and intended to assist eligible clients.

Question 5 — Do we have to count the matters performed by sub-grantees?  What about those done by PAI programs? 

Answer 5 We would like you to collect all the matter information you can collect.  If it is too burdensome to collect matter information in certain circumstances then don’t do it.  

Question 6 — My program currently provides two types of direct services that do not appear to be covered by the new reporting format.  These are: (a) individual assistance provided by a program paralegal to homeless persons in completing applications for other social and community services (e.g., handicapped transportation, health clinics, food stamps, etc.).  This service goes beyond mere referral, but is not being counted as a case because no specific legal advice is being provided; and (b) individual assistance provided by our staff Social Worker to victims of domestic violence in completing applications to the Crime Victims Compensation Fund and providing crisis counseling at bi-weekly evening legal advice clinics.  Please advise how we should characterize these services for purposes of the "matter service report"?  

Answer 6 — These services should be reported as “Other”, #2 Direct Services.

Changes for Reporting 2002 Matters  

Question 1 — There are some changes in the reporting of Matters from 2001 to 2002.  How do I find out what they are?  

Answer 1  — You may find them in Program Letter 02-9 which is on the Recipient Information network (RIN) at under Bulletin Board, Reference Materials, Program Letters.  Some of the specific changes are discussed in Q&A’s directly below.   

Question 2 — We have had some difficulty in deciding when to count a Matter as “Measured” or “Estimated”, particularly in the areas of brochures and newsletters.   Is there any further guidance on this question?  

Answer 2  — Yes, we do have further guidance.   Based on our review of the initial data submitted by grantees and follow-up conversations, we are providing the following guidelines with respect to legal education brochures (these guidelines should also be used in measuring or estimating circulation of newsletters). “Measured” and “Estimated” should be broken out along the lines of whether or not the program has direct control over the distribution and count brochures or newsletters.  Following are some examples:  


1.      Brochures that are distributed by the program in response to enquiries from the public.

2.      Brochures that are picked up at one of the program’s offices by visitors to the office.

3.      Brochures handed out at a community legal education meeting.  


1.      Brochures dropped off in bulk for distribution at the local Bar Association, Law School Clinics or other community service organizations, in the event no one there counts them and/or returns the extras.

2.      Brochures left on tables at community legal education events and not collected afterward or counted.  

Program personnel should use their own discretion when counting brochures as “measured” or “estimated,” using the above examples as guidelines.  The principal distinction is the degree of control one has in ensuring that the brochure actually got into the hands of an interested citizen.  In those cases it can be counted as “Measured.”  Less certain conveyances can be counted in “Estimated.”  

Question 3 — It has been difficult to determine how to count newspaper articles in our Matters reporting.  

Answer 3  — There was considerable confusion that arose in 2001 regarding newsletter and newspaper articles.  The two types of matters should be treated differently in reporting for 2002 forward.

"Newsletters" refers to program newsletters or other newsletters over which the program has control of distribution and therefore can produce counts (or reliable estimates) of the numbers of newsletters distributed.  They should be counted as discussed in Question 2 above.  

 "Newspapers" refers to general print media over which the program does not have control of distribution -- for example, a community newspaper.  Because the program does not control distribution, it is difficult to break circulation data (which is generally available) down into reliable counts or the number of people in our target audience (i.e., low income people or helping agencies that serve low income people) likely to have seen and read the legal education articles.  

To clarify this issue for 2002 and beyond, newspaper articles have been redefined and a category I C has been added to Community Legal Education for reporting them. (see the new Matters Form I C in the sample forms package posted on the Recipient Information Network web site).  For 2002, it will ask for the number of articles published.   We anticipate that most will have no trouble retrospectively reporting that data for 2002, but if the information is not available you should NOT report any numbers for newspaper articles, but be sure to point out that you did publish newspaper articles in the narrative portions of the matters report.

Question 4 — How do we count Video legal education materials, TV and radio spots and PSAs

Answer 4 — As with newspaper articles, materials broadcast on TV and radio have been redefined and should be counted in the Matters Form I C.  Please count each time a video or radio spot airs as one matter.  In 2001, some programs tried to estimate the audience and counted the aggregate as Matters. The data was deemed too unreliable to be meaningful.  Report the actual count of each airing for 2002.  Counting each airing as one Matter will give an accurate count for video and radio spots. 


Question 1 — In calculating the "number of people directly receiving the service", do you want us to count only the person to whom we provide the service, or do you want the number of people in the household? 

Answer 1 — You should count only the number of people directly receiving the service.

Question 2 — Also, as part of our statewide planning, we distribute pamphlets of several other legal services programs.  Do we count those pamphlets even though no LSC dollars were spent in producing them? 

Answer 2 — You can count any pamphlets distributed to the general target population in your service area, regardless of the source of funds or whether you produced them or only distributed them.

Question 3 —I see that we can report  “Measured” or “Estimated” numbers of matters.  How do we decide which to say?

Answer 3 — Any matters you have counted should be reported as “measured.”  Any additional matters in each type of matter that you have not counted but have a reasonable basis for estimation should be estimated.  The counted number plus the estimated number makes up the total for each model of each type of matter as reported under Section A, “Models Used.” (See response to Question 2 under Changes in Reporting for 2002 for further information on counting brochures and newsletters).

For Section B “Subject Matter Categories” reporting, you report one number for each subject matter category of each type of matter.  For example, under the type of matter, Referrals, you report in Section A how many are measured and estimated for each model under Section A and then report the total for each subject matter category under Section B, without breakdown by measured and estimated.

Question 4 — Our program has a grant that allows the agency to give advice and brief service to residents of a tri-county area who are slightly over LSC income eligibility (Not funded by LSC or reported on CSRs to LSC).  Do you want these reported as matters?

Answer 4 — Please do not report these activities in the Matters Service Report.  It is true that matters may be reported irrespective of client eligibility issues.  However, the activities in question are not matters but cases.  Cases may be reported only in the CSR's.  Since these cases are not eligible for CSR reporting, they should not be included in any reports to LSC.

Question 5 — Do we use a separate report to keep track of any matters done by a PAI program or do we combine them?

Answer 5 — For Matters, we do not separate PAI from staff, so you should combine them.

Question 6 — Our web site is an integral part of a web site for all the legal services programs in Connecticut . There is a common page that includes client education pamphlets. Someone could get to that site to read/download a pamphlet from our home page or from the home page of any of the other programs. How do you want us to count the hits?

Answer 6 — First, we are no longer counting “hits”, but page “views.”  This way, only access to the particular page is counted and it is only counted once.  Our goal with the Results Project is to allow you to report your matters without putting a large burden on you to do it. You should work out a system to apportion and report web site page views that works the easiest for you. There are two likely models for a statewide web site. (1) A common page (such as a site sponsored by the bar association) that has some materials and links to individual program sites. (2) A common site with information about all of the programs and content supplied by the programs, but no program has an individual site.

For model 2, you might take the total number of page views and apportion them among the partners by population in the service area, or by program funding, or in some other reasonable manner. In scenario 1, you might apportion page views to the common site in a similar manner as for 2, then add to that the hits to the individual site.

Look at your situation and come up with a reasonable formula that works for you without being too burdensome.

Question 7 when an intake specialist makes a referral or mails CLE materials to a client who has also received advice or brief service, and the CLE is on a different problem from the one advised about, can we count the CLE distributed or referral made?

Answer 7 Yes you can.  Whenever a referral or a mailing of CLE materials on a problem different from the problem on which a client has received Counsel & Advice or Brief Service, the referral or CLE can be counted as a matter.

Question 8 — Must the codes we use to record matters in timekeeping correspond to the new LSC matters codes?

Answer 8 — All we require for a Matters timekeeping entry is that it indicate it is for a Matter.  Some case management systems allow you to break down Matters activities on time slips into specific activities, but that is not something LSC requires.

So the answer is no, you need not change your codes in the timekeeping section to correspond to the LSC Matters Codes. That said, you may want to do so to avoid confusion for your staff. They may find it less confusing if the entries on the time slips and the entries on the Matters slip are the same for the same activity.

Question 9 Do we need to use the Matters Codes to track matters handed for individuals?  Based on discussions with staff members who administer our case management and timekeeping systems, it appears we can capture and report the data requested in the Matters Service Report without using the proposed Matters Codes.  Our time keeping system captures much of that information.

Answer 9 We created the Matters Codes to make it easier for the programs to collect the data and report it to us. If you can accurately collect the data on matters and report it to LSC in the format we have requested without using the Matters Codes, that is fine.

Question 10 Many of our handbooks provide both basic legal information and self-help guidance. For example, the Utah Renters Handbook tells the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants. It also provides detailed assistance for establishing a Warranty of Habitability claim under Utah law. Many who receive this handbook are not financially eligible for LSC-funded services and so we would report these individuals as "matters" not "clients." Conceivably, we could differentiate the count by the reason for sending the handbook, but this would add another layer of complexity to the tabulation scheme. I'm assuming we can count these distributions in either category.

Answer 10 You can count these distributions under either CLE or Pro Se; this is a judgment call as to which best describes the assistance.  You can also split them up, but, as you said, we do not want to add another level of complexity by asking you to track why the publication was sent out.  You cannot report any of them as CSR's, unless a casehandler has reviewed the client's specific problem and determined that it "sufficiently addresses the client's problem so as to constitute legal advice."  This proviso should be taken very seriously.

Question 11 ULS receives grants from the United Way and other sources to print comprehensive handbooks such as the Utah Renters Handbook. We distribute several thousand each year. Local social service agencies often ask for several hundred at a time. Can we count these?

Answer 11 Yes the block requests can be counted.  If you are uncertain if all of the handbooks in the block requests are distributed, you should report them under "Estimated" rather than "Measured" as discussed in Program Letter 02-9.

Question 12 ULS has a website with PDF-formatted brochures from which "page hit" data can be generated. ULS attorneys have also contributed to the content of a state-run web site from which users can generate complete uncontested divorce pleadings packages as well as respond to unlawful detainer ("eviction") actions. Can we count these? [We could count these as referrals to "other source of assistance," with an explanation.]

Answer 12 You should count only “page views” not “hits.” You can count all the ULS page views.  As for the State-run web site, if you can get some information that would support an estimate of how many page views are on the items ULS contributed to and if you have an estimate of ULS' share in developing this site, you could include a percentage of these page views equal to ULS' contribution to those parts of the web site.  We would not advise including the State Web site page views even as an estimate unless you have some reasonable data for these two items.  We do not see any basis for counting any of these under "Referral."   


Question 1 — Do we have to have documentation of eligibility information?

Answer 1 — No. 

Question 2 — If a person referred is definitely ineligible (we've done eligibility check and he turns out to be over income), do we count the activity (usually referral)?

Answer 2 Yes.  You may still count it as a matter.  

Community Legal Education

Question 1 — What about the detail of the counting.  For example, is it worth the trouble to produce the number of brochures distributed? 

Answer 1 — One factor to consider is the burden of getting the information.  If for example you can easily determine the number of brochures distributed (number of brochures printed minus the number of brochures left) please do so.  In other instances, a count will be more complex and an estimate should be used.   Count the information you can reasonably count, estimate what can reasonably be estimated and omit anything that cannot be counted or reasonably estimated.  

Question 2 Community Legal Education Q1/A1: Is it really possible to use "printed minus what's left" as MSR data? The CSR Handbook and FAQ says that if we analyze an eligible individual's legal problem and determine that a particular flyer will meet their need for problem resolution, we can close that case "A". But if we sent the same flyer to an ineligible individual, it's a reportable "matter."

Answer 2 Yes, you can use "printed minus what's left", though it may be better to count it as "estimated" rather than "measured."  The number of printed items counted as Counsel & Advice should be very small.  Remember that the casehandler must analyze the particular client's problem and that just sending the printed item is not enough -- the printed item must "sufficiently address the client's problem so as to constitute legal advice" and this proviso must be taken very seriously.  


Question 1 — Where there is a referral to more than one source, do you count it as one referral or multiple referrals? 

Answer 1 When you are doing a case and giving a referral, you can count both the case and the matter — the referral (except see Question 2).  As for multiple referrals if they are given out on one call to one individual, it still counts for only one referral.  If however, the person should call another time and another referral is given at that time, it would count as a second referral.

Question 2 — Eligible client, we give advice, we also give a referral in the same problem code.  Example, landlord tenant case, we advise clients on whether they can withhold rent.  We also refer them to private attorney for possible affirmative suit because attorney's fees are available.  Do we report the referral?

Answer 2 — This is a case and should be counted as such, CSR Category C. It should not be reported as a matter, because that case closing code includes the referral.  There are, however, instances in which you can report a matter for the same client for whom you report a case.  For example, you could give Brief Service or even Settlement Without Litigation on a Landlord-Tenant issue involving nonpayment of rent and then refer the client to a city or state housing agency for financial assistance.

Question 3 — What about a referral where we don’t have a name or other information about someone calling in.  They describe the situation and the intake worker knows immediately that a referral is appropriate and gives them the referral? 

Answer 3 — That counts as a referral that is a matter.  You don’t need the name of the caller. 

Question 4 — Let’s say you refer someone to a social services resource.  In Referred Matters A, you would count it as #3 – a referral to a provider of human or social services (non-legal.)    In Referred Matters B would you count it as “Public Benefits” or “other?”   

Answer 4 —  Count all referrals to non-legal sources of assistance as B 12, “Other Problems (Non-Legal).”

Question 5 — We have always tracked non-case referrals as calls come in, using an on-screen pop-up list of agencies. On the Referrals section of the Matters Report, it is unclear to me which category certain referrals should go into.

Answer 5 — We do not expect too much time to be spent determining exactly into which category referrals fall.  Whichever one in your judgment most nearly describes the referral should be used.  Responses to your specific questions are given below.

Question 5a — I am assuming that referrals to the IV-D Child Support Enforcement office would fall into the "Referred to other provider of civil legal services to low income people" even though they serve people of all income levels. Is that correct?

Answer 5a — Yes that is correct because this best describes the referral.

Question 5b — In which Referrals category should referrals to the District Attorney's office or the Public Defender's office for CRIMINAL matters be?

Answer 5b — This should be classified as 4 — Referred to other source of assistance, none of the above.

Question 5c — Several advocacy agencies to which we refer people have no lawyers, but assist clients with filing public benefits appeals or represent them at administrative hearings, such as Food Stamp fair hearings. Should we categorize them as "Referred to provider of human or social services (non-legal)", or "Referred to other provider of civil legal services to low-income people", or "Referred to other source of assistance, none of the above"?

Answer 5c — Even though they have no lawyers, the most descriptive classification is 1 — Referred to other provider of civil legal assistance.

Question 5d — We make many referrals to the clerks of various courts. Which Referral category should we use for this? "Referred to other provider of civil legal services to low income people"? "Referred to other source of assistance, none of the above"?

Answer 5d — This should be 1 — Referred to other provider of legal assistance.

Question 5e — We also make a lot of referrals to regulatory/enforcement agencies, such as the Worker's Compensation Board, the Human Rights Commission, the state Department of Labor, the Wage and Hour Board, the Insurance Policyholders Complaint Division, and the Consumer Affairs Division.  Which Referral Category should we use for them?

Answer 5e — This is best described as 4 — Referred to other source of legal assistance.

Question 5f — I am assuming that referrals to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission would fall into the "Referred to other provider of civil legal services to low income people", since they do have attorneys who would represent the client if they believe the complaint has merit. Is that correct?

Answer 5f — We agree.

Question 6 — On the matters service report for referred, not included in "case service" statistics, part A(1) and A(2) it appears that we do not count any referrals as matters from the Legal Services program to the PAI program.  Is that correct?

Answer 6 — Yes, that is correct.

Question 7 — Through our hotline service (like other programs throughout the country) we routinely refer callers to the private bar, another legal source if available, and one or more social service agencies. LSC seems to want us to track with specificity the type of referral. When all three referrals are made, what is the preferred coding choice? Would it be possible to add a code for multiple referrals?

Answer 7 — You just pick the coding for the one you consider the most significant. In the MSR, all such choices are the judgment of the program and LSC will not be second-guessing them. We have not seen sufficient demand for a “multiple referral code” to justify making this change.

Indirect Services

Question 1 — What about the situation where a community advocate calls in to a staff person and gets specific advice about how the individual should proceed? 

Answer 1 — You could record that you do this under Indirect Services 1: “Legal education for lay service providers” and give more information in the overview or example boxes.


Question 1 — My program has over 110 projects which would fall into the areas of "other indirect service matters" or "collaborative service delivery models."  From my reading of the instructions, I am to describe these projects as well as describing methods of estimating clients, other pro se activities, and other outreach activities. And it appears that I must do so in 300-1000 words. In addition to the description, you would like stories regarding these projects, or at
least some of them. How am I to do this and stay within the word limit?

Answer 1 — The narrative portion of your Matters Service Report due next March will be 300-1000 words.  It is not expected to address each project, but briefly to address each type of service, so there is not expectation of describing or even listing each project.  Thus you would discuss what your program is doing in the area of economic development under "indirect service" matters and what else the other 32 indirect service projects are doing. 

 As for the vignettes, this is Section B of the narrative and is separate and not included in the 300-1000 words length of Section A. The request is for two to five vignettes from among all your types of Matters -- there is no expectation of completeness here and, indeed, you are not even required to select an indirect service for one of these vignettes.  As for estimation methods, this is Section C of the narrative and is, again, separate.

Thus, what you are asked to do in Section A is simply an overview of services provided, as the title says, touching on each of the six types of Matters (if you have all six), Community Legal Education, Pro Se, Referrals, Outreach, Indirect Services, and Other.  There is no request for a listing of all projects anywhere in the Matters reporting package. 


Question 1 When an intake specialist makes a referral or mails CLE materials to a client who has also received advice or brief service, and the CLE or referral reiterates or supplements the advice given, do we count that CLE?

Answer 1 For the CLE, we would interpret the mailing as part of the Counsel & Advice or Brief Service, so it should not be counted separately.  However, we do not want programs to expend any significant effort on this duplication issue.  Therefore, if it is known at the time of entry that there is a CSR case, the CLE should not be entered, but we do not ask you to check your matters against your CSR's to ferret out such instances.

For the referral, the case could have been closed under "Referred After Legal Assessment" and if it is, the referral should not be reported as a matter since it is included in the case closure.  If the referral is not a significant element of the legal assistance and the case is closed as Counsel & Advice or Brief Service (CSR Categories A or B), then the referral may be reported separately as a matter.  Again, we do not want programs to expend any significant effort on this duplication issue.  Therefore, decisions should be made at the time of entry of the matter into the records system and we do not ask you to check your referrals against CSR's to detect any that would duplicate "Referred After Legal Assessment" cases.

Question 2 If we provide a legal presentation at a senior citizens congregate meals site and distribute a brochure on the topic of the presentation as well as one that's unrelated to the presentation, can we count both "heads" and "paper?"

Answer 2 While we are not imposing duplication checking, you should avoid reporting methods that tend to run up numbers by counting more than one matter for the same activity.  Accordingly, you should count either "heads" or "paper", but not both.

Question 3 Some ULS attorneys volunteer their time to run pro se divorce clinics. Participants are not screened for eligibility. May we count attendance at these? If we refer an individual to such a clinic, can we count this as a referral to "other source of assistance?" Does it matter that the referred individual may not be financially eligible for LSC-funded assistance (even if divorce without violence were within our case service priorities)? Obviously, if we count both the number who attend such clinics and those referred, duplication will exist to the extent that some people who are referred will actually attend.

Answer 3 If the activity is an activity of your program, you can count it.  It is unclear from the question whether this is a ULS activity or just one that ULS personnel volunteer for.  If it is an activity of your program, you can count the attendees as matters, presumably under pro se.  If it is not a ULS activity, you can count the referred individuals as referrals.  You should not do both.  In general, if an activity is a ULS activity, you cannot count referrals to it, but can count it under other matter types.