I -- Community Legal Education C
Grantee Number
Grantee Name

Models Used Number of Media Items
1 Newspaper Items
please list the number of legal education articles or other items that appeared in newspapers or magazines during the year (including repeats or reprints)..
2 Radio Spots/PSA's
please list the number of legal education spots or announcements aired on radio during the year. Each airing counts as one Matter, even if it is a re-airing of the same spot
3 Video Spots/PSA's
please list the number of legal education spots or announcements aired during the year. Each airing counts as one Matter, even if it is a re-airing of the same spot.
Total number of media community legal education media items

Note: this form is different from other numeric forms in that it does not measure number of persons served, but only the number of times a community legal education item appeared in media that reach residents of the program's service area

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