How to Apply for a Subgrant
LSC accepts applications to subgrant Basic Field and Special Grant Funds. All components of the subgrant application must be submitted through GrantEase.
If you are a current or prospective LSC grantee looking for general guidance on subgrants click here.
Reminder: LSC grantees may subgrant up to $20,000 in LSC funds without submitting an application for prior approval. 45 CFR 1627.4(a)(1). All subgrants of LSC funds, however, are subject to LSC’s regulations, guidelines, and instructions.
Applications to Subgrant 2025 Basic Field Grant Funds
Applicants to subgrant 2025 Basic Field Grant Funds must be submitted through GrantEase at Only current or prospective recipients of LSC Basic Field Grants may apply for subgrant approval. All applicants must provide answers to the application questions in GrantEase and upload the following documents:
- A draft Subgrant Agreement (with the required terms provided in LSC's Subgrant Agreement Template); and
- A Subgrant budget (using LSC's Subgrant Budget Template).
Applicants seeking to subgrant to a new subrecipient that is not a current LSC Grantee, or to renew a subgrant with an organization that is not a current LSC Grantee in a year in which the applicant is required to submit a full funding application, must also upload:
- The subrecipient's accounting manual;
- The subrecipient's most recent audited financial statements;
- The subrecipient's current cost allocation policy (if not in the accounting manual); and
- The recipient's 45 CFR Part 1627 Policy (required under 45 CFR § 1627.7).
A list of subgrant application questions, the Subgrant Agreement Template, and the Subgrant Budget Template can be found at the following links:
- List of Subgrant Application Questions on the Subgrant Base Application Form and Renewal Application Form
- Subgrant Agreement Template
- Subgrant Budget Template
LSC grantees applying to renew an existing subgrant must complete both the Base Application Form and Renewal Form. LSC encourages applicants to use LSC's Subgrant Agreement Template as a model subgrant agreement. If the applicant does not use LSC's Template, the proposed agreement must include, at a minimum, the substance of the provisions of the Template.
Once submitted, LSC will evaluate the application and provide applicants with instructions on any needed modifications to the submitted documents or Draft Agreement provided with the application. The applicant must then upload a final and signed subgrant agreement through GrantEase by the date requested.
As required by 45 CFR § 1627.4(b)(1)(ii), LSC will inform applicants of its decision to disapprove or approve the subgrant no later than the date LSC informs applicants of LSC's 2024 Basic Field Grant funding decisions.
Applications for approval to make subgrants of calendar year 2025 Basic Field Grant funds will be available on April 15, 2024. The deadline for submitting applications through GrantEase is June 3, 2024.
For questions regarding this process, please email For technical and website issues, email For questions or assistance with GrantEase, email
Applications to Subgrant 2024 Basic Field Grant Funds Starting During 2024 and Ending Before January 1, 2025
Applications for approval to subgrant 2024 Basic Field Grant funds starting during 2024 and ending before January 1, 2025 must be submitted through GrantEase at Only current or prospective recipients of a LSC Basic Field Grant may apply for approval to subgrant these funds.
All applicants must provide answers to the application questions in GrantEase and upload the following documents:
- A draft Subgrant Agreement (with the required terms provided in LSC's Subgrant Agreement Template); and
- A Subgrant budget (using LSC's Subgrant Budget Template).
Applicants seeking to subgrant to a new subrecipient that is not a current LSC grantee or applying to renew a subgrant with an organization that is not a current LSC grantee in a year in which the applicant was not already required to submit the documents listed below as part of an application to subgrant LSC Basic Field funds, must also upload:
- The subrecipient's accounting manual;
- The subrecipient's most recent audited financial statements;
- The subrecipient's current cost allocation policy (if not in the accounting manual); and
- The recipient's 45 CFR Part 1627 Policy (required under 45 CFR § 1627.7).
The Subgrant Agreement Template and the Subgrant Budget Template can be found at the following links:
LSC encourages applicants to use LSC's Subgrant Agreement Template as a model subgrant agreement. If the applicant does not use LSC's Template, the proposed agreement must include, at a minimum, the substance of the provisions of the Template.
Once submitted, LSC will evaluate the application and provide applicants with instructions on any needed modifications to the submitted documents or Draft Agreement provided with the application. The applicant must then upload a final and signed subgrant agreement through GrantEase by the date requested.
As required by 45 CFR § 1627.4(b)(1)(ii), LSC will inform applicants of its decisions to disapprove, approve, or request modifications to the subgrant no later than the subgrant's proposed effective date.
An applicant must submit an application to make a subgrant of 2024 Basic Field Grant funds starting during 2024 and ending before January 1, 2025 at least 45 days in advance of the proposed effective date. See 45 CFR § 1627.4(b)(3).
For questions regarding this process, please email For technical and website issues, email For questions or assistance with GrantEase, email
Applications to Subgrant Special Grant Funds, including Disaster Relief Grant, Pro Bono Innovation Fund (PBIF), and Technology Initiative Grant (TIG) Funding
Applications to subgrant Special Grant Funds must be submitted through GrantEase at Only current or prospective recipients of LSC Special Grants may apply for approval to subgrant these funds.
All applicants must provide answers to the application questions in GrantEase and upload the following documents:
- A draft Subgrant Agreement (with the required terms provided in LSC's Special Grant Subgrant Agreement Template); and
- A Subgrant budget (using LSC's Subgrant Budget Template).
Applicants seeking to subgrant to a new subrecipient that is not a current LSC grantee or applying to renew a subgrant with an organization that is not a current LSC grantee in a year in which the applicant was not already required to submit the documents listed below as a part of an application to subgrant LSC Basic Field funds, must also upload:
- The subrecipient's accounting manual;
- The subrecipient's most recent audited financial statements;
- The subrecipient's current cost allocation policy (if not in the accounting manual); and
- The subrecipient's 45 CFR Part 1627 Policy (required under 45 CFR § 1627.7).
A list of the subgrant application questions, the Special Grant Subgrant Agreement Template, and the Subgrant Budget Template can be found at the following links:
LSC encourages applicants to use LSC's Special Grant Subgrant Agreement Template as a model subgrant agreement. If the applicant does not use LSC's Template, the proposed agreement must include, at a minimum, the substance of the provisions of the Template.
Once submitted, LSC will evaluate the application and provide applicants with instructions on any needed modifications to the submitted documents or Draft Agreement provided with the application. The applicant must then upload a final and signed subgrant agreement through GrantEase by the date requested.
As required by 45 CFR § 1627.4(b)(1)(ii), LSC will inform applicants of its decision to disapprove, approve, or request modifications to the subgrant no later than the subgrant's proposed effective date.
An applicant must submit an application to make a subgrant of LSC Special Grant funds at least 45 days in advance of the subgrant's proposed effective date. See 45 CFR § 1627.4(b)(2).
For questions regarding this process, please email For technical and website issues, email For questions or assistance with GrantEase, email

Grantee Trainings
LSC supports the promotion of equal access to justice through high-quality, efficient, and comprehensive Training and Technical Assistance practices, tools, and resources.