Budget Requests

2025 Budget Request
LSC requests $1.797 billion for FY 2025, an increase of $216 million over LSC’s FY 2024 budget request. This recommendation considers the sustained impact of COVID-19 and the drastic increase in child poverty experienced in 2022. We know that more than 33% of unmet legal needs are directly related to COVID-19 and others have been exacerbated by the pandemic. We also know child poverty more than doubled from 5.2% in 2021 to more than 12.4% in 2022. Evictions continue to rise – returning to or exceeding historical averages. Debt collection and related consumer finance complaints have reached record highs. Without a significant additional investment in civil legal aid, the justice gap will only continue to grow.

2024 Budget Request
LSC requests $1.576 billion for FY 2024, an increase of $313 million over LSC’s FY 2023 budget request. This recommendation considers the sustained impact of COVID-19 on low-income Americans. We now know that more than 33% of unmet legal needs are directly related to COVID-19 and that the legal needs of low-income people have only been exacerbated as a result of the pandemic. Evictions are on the rise – returning to or exceeding historical averages. Debt collection and related consumer finance complaints have reached record highs. In 2021, LSC grantees closed a record number of cases involving domestic violence. As families grapple with legal needs related to or exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, we expect the number of people seeking help from LSC grantees to increase in the next several years.

2023 Budget Request
LSC requests an appropriation of $1.26 billion for FY 2023, an increase of $245 million from last year’s request. Our request addresses the anticipated increase in demand for civil legal services due to the disproportionate impact that COVID-19 is having on low-income communities, coupled with the ongoing lack of adequate resources to provide civil legal assistance to millions of Americans eligible for LSC-funded services before the pandemic.

2022 Budget Request
LSC requests an appropriation of $1,018,800,000 for FY 2022. Our request addresses the anticipated increase in demand for civil legal services due to the disproportionate impact that COVID-19 is having on low-income communities as well as the continued lack of adequate resources to provide civil legal assistance to millions of Americans eligible for LSC-funded services before the pandemic.

2021 Budget Request
LSC's 2021 Budget Request details how LSC funding supports constituent services in every congressional district and the specifics of LSC’s annual ask to Congress.

2020 Budget Request
LSC requested an appropriation of $593,000,000 for FY 2020. This request reflected an increase of $28.2 million over the previous year’s request.
Budget Request Archives
- FY 2019 Budget Request
- FY 2018 Budget Request
- FY 2017 Budget Request
- FY 2016 Budget Request
- FY 2015 Budget Request
- FY 2014 Budget Request
- FY 2013 Budget Request
- FY 2012 Budget Request
- FY 2011 Budget Request
- FY 2010 Budget Request
- FY 2009 Budget Request
- FY 2008 Budget Request
- FY 2007 Budget Request
- FY 2006 Budget Request
- FY 2005 Budget Request
- FY 2004 Budget Request
- FY 2003 Budget Request
- FY 2002 Budget Request
- FY 2001 Budget Request
- FY 2000 Budget Request