Veterans Task Force: A Primer on Veterans Service Organizations

Leaders from law and veterans services including Representative James Panetta (CA-20) joined the Legal Services Corporation (LSC) on Tuesday, November 10, for the second field hearing of LSC’s Veterans Task Force. General Jim Mattis, former Secretary of Defense and current Senior Counselor at The Cohen Group, provided recorded remarks. This virtual event was scheduled to commemorate Veterans Day.

The second panel, “A Primer on Veterans Service Organizations,” reviewed the “big six” veterans service organizations (VSO) and explained how they have served as the bedrock of the veteran claims process. Panelists also discussed the vast number of small VSOs and reviewed how attorneys serving veterans can best work with these organizations.

The panelists included Joe Badzmierowski, Director of Field Services, Paralyzed Veterans of America; Chuck Bosko (U.S. Army, 1SG, Ret.), Veterans Service Officer, Appeals Specialist, Illinois Department of Veterans Affairs; and Daniel Nagin, Clinical Professor of Law, Vice Dean for Experiential and Clinical Education, and Faculty Director of Wilmer Hale Legal Services Center & Veterans Legal Clinic, Harvard Law School. LSC President Ronald S. Flagg moderated the discussion.

The event was livestreamed on LSC’s Facebook page: You can follow the conversation on Twitter with #LSCveterans.
