11.1 Baseline for Support for Use of Private Attorneys – Program Efforts to Accept, Refer, and Track Pro Bono and PAI Cases

Needed capacities or functions - Program Efforts to Accept, Refer, and Track Pro Bono and PAI Cases 

Programs should have the following technology in place to support their pro bono and PAI programs: 

  1. A website that may include such features as allowing pro bono lawyers and other case handlers to review available cases and volunteer, posting of training and resource materials, and calendars of training opportunities. 

  2. A case management system that will track referred cases, time spent on those cases and work accomplished, and automate oversight of pro bono and PAI cases to promote timely case closure. 

  3. A volunteer management system that will track a volunteer's history with the organization, including participation in clinics, acceptance of pro bono cases, and financial support to the organization. 

  4. A strategy to securely share client and case data with volunteers using electronic means. 

Important Considerations and Best Practices 

Case management systems may provide the ability to create a website that features pro bono opportunities directly drawn from the case management system. Also, consider whether regional or statewide pro bono opportunities sites or platforms may be leveraged. 

When developing a pro bono opportunity website, consider whether the site will require a password to view opportunities. Requiring a password may provide better information and serve as a stronger signal of the potential volunteer's interest but may also be a prohibitive barrier that discourages many potential volunteers. 

When considering volunteer-facing technology, combining the case opportunity, training and resource materials, and calendars on one website is preferable to minimize confusion for the volunteers, and make it easier to advertise, maintain and manage. Designate who is responsible for which section and how often the pages/resources/materials will be reviewed and updated. 

When creating or updating new technology resources, it is best practice to perform user testing with volunteers who are the target end-users. 

Consider using a specialized Customer Relationship Management ("CRM") system to manage information about volunteers. Systems such as Raiser's Edge and Neon-CRM, which were developed for donor relationship management, have volunteer-management capabilities, and combining donor and volunteer data can provide significant benefits to both resource and volunteer development. 

Useful websites, resources, and other tools